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Root Canal Blainville

Treating tooth infections is a vital part of maintaining a pain-free smile, and at Lüminus Dental Clinic, we're here to help you access vital care like root canal procedures so you can tackle painful tooth infections.

If you have severe tooth pain and suspect needing a root canal in Blainville, we’re here to help. Our expert dental team can perform the procedure to conserve your teeth, avoiding possible tooth loss.

Book a root canal in Blainville today at Lüminus Dental Clinic.

What is A Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal procedures, or endodontics, is a specific procedure that aims to treat the inflamed, irritated or infected soft tissue at the tooth's centre. This soft tissue is called the pulp and is located in the canals of tooth roots, which are spaces that contain the tooth's nerve and blood supply.

Once it is diagnosed that a tooth requires root canal treatment, a local anesthetic is used, a conservative opening is made through the crown of the tooth to access the pulp. The pulp is carefully removed using specialized instruments, and the root canal is cleaned and shaped and filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha, which seals the canal to prevent any further infection. Finally, a filling or crown is placed over the tooth to restore its strength and functionality.

A root canal treatment is the alternative to removing a tooth entirely, so it is a vital preventative procedure that can save your tooth. Root canal treatment is typically recommended for teeth with severe decay, infection, or trauma that have affected the pulp. At Lüminus Dental Clinic, our dental professionals always strive to save your natural teeth. If you suspect a tooth may require root canal treatment, it's essential not to delay and contact our expert dental practice today.

How Do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

How will you know if you need a root canal treatment is needed is highly dependent on the symptoms one feels. Along with a person’s symptoms, confirmation for the need for root canal treatment is confirmed by diagnostic testing performed by the dentist and an X-ray.

There are several signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for root canal therapy. Some of the most common signs include:

If you are experiencing any or some of the early signs and symptoms, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible to determine whether root canal treatment is necessary. Only a dentist can accurately diagnose whether a root canal treatment is required. Book an appointment at our dental clinic in Blainville so our expert team can conduct a dental exam
One of the most important things to remember about these symptoms is that an infected pulp will eventually die or necrose, meaning the symptoms may disappear, a false assumption that there’s no longer an infection. However, the infection persists and can worsen.

Symptoms of an Infected Tooth

Consequently, one can experience an increase in the severity of symptoms, including:

If you experience any of these symptoms, the infection has likely spread to the surrounding dental structures, so it’s vital to be seen quickly by our dentists in Blainville. It’s important to note that the longer infected pulp is left untreated, the risk of permanent tooth loss and painful infection increases.

What Causes a Tooth Infection?

A tooth infection, also known as a dental abscess, can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

The pulp is a very vascular area containing many tiny blood vessels and nerves, so once the pulp inside a tooth gets infected, if left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious health problems, so it is important to seek dental treatment if you suspect you may have an infection.
If you notice a cavity or crack in the tooth’s crown, contact our Blainville dental clinic for a filling service to restore your tooth and avoid further bacterial invasion.

What to Expect During Your Endodontics Treatment

If you're worried about your root canal appointment, you can be at ease knowing our team of professionals is committed to making it a comfortable and stress-free experience.

A root canal is not much different than any other dental treatment. Here's what to expect during your endodontics treatment:

Dental X-Rays

Our professional dental team will take several X-Rays of your mouth to find the affected tooth and identify the cause of your discomfort. Not only does this help us target the affected tooth, but we'll be able to to decide what treatment will be required.

Preparation: Before the root canal treatment, our professional dental team will examine your tooth and take X-rays and conduct several tests to assess the extent of the infection and damage to the tooth. The area will then be anesthetized with a local anesthetic to ensure the procedure is comfortable.

Removing Dental Pulp

Accessing the pulp: Once anesthetized, a rubber dam is placed around the tooth. This will isolate the tooth during the procedure. Our dental professionals will then create an opening through the crown of the tooth to access the pulp chamber and canals.

Cleaning the Tooth

Once the soft inner part of the tooth is accessible, the number of canals will be determined, and all the infected pulp will be removed. Different teeth have different numbers of roots and root canals. Some teeth have but one root with one root canal other teeth have multiple roots with multiple canals.

Cleaning and shaping: The pulp and any infected tissue will be removed from the root canals using specialized tools. The canals will then be cleaned, shaped, and disinfected to remove all traces of bacteria and debris.

Sealing Your Tooth

  1. Filling: After the canals have been cleaned and shaped, they will be filled with a biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha.  Following the filling of the canals, the next stage of the procedure involves sealing the dental crown after the root canal procedure. Either a temporary filling or a permanent filling will be placed to prevent reinfection
  2. Crown placement: Most often, teeth that have undergone root canal treatment are severely damaged or weakened and it’s recommended to place a crown over the tooth to provide additional support and protection, restoring it to its original strength and function.

Recovery from Root Canal and Crown Treatment

During the recovery period from root canal treatment, you may experience some soreness or sensitivity in the affected area, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your tooth after the procedure and when to schedule a follow-up appointment.

If in severe discomfort, call our dental specialists in Blainville and book an emergency appointment.

Book a Root Canal Appointment with Lüminus Dental Clinic

Are you concerned about the health of your tooth? Experiencing constant or fleeting dental pain? Contact Lüminus Dental Clinic to book a root canal consult in Blainville today. Our team of experienced and compassionate dental professionals are prepared to do everything they can to save your tooth and deliver expert endodontic treatment.

We can handle everything from teeth whitening to emergency dental care, with a range of dental services, so you know you’re getting the best patient experience in Blainville. Get in touch to arrange an appointment with us today!